Mobile website design is a MUST for business success

Mobile website design is a must have for today’s businesses.

Small and medium sized enterprises are missing out on a potential windfall of billions of dollars by refusing to develop mobile web sites that are tailored to customers with tablets or smartphones. Research carried out by hibu corp. showed that small and medium sized enterprises are missing out on billions in combined annual revenue by ignoring customer preferences for smartphone and tablets when it comes to mobile web sites.

“In today’s world, a poor site — or one that doesn’t work on customers’ mobile devices — is an immediate turn-off, which means lost business no matter how wonderful the company’s products and services,” said Matt Anderson, hibu’s Chief Digital Officer. The research also found that of those companies that don’t have a website, just 13 per cent are willing to get one online in the next year to 18 months.

“A good website is the beating heart of a company’s marketing program,” Anderson continued. “It directs foot traffic, turns mobile browsers into customers and ensures small businesses are everywhere customers might look to find what they’re selling.”

Contact us for a professional consultation regarding mobile website design for your business.